Touch Points of Jesua is an Healing Method where the Great Master and Son of God Jesus Christ is invoked for Attunement and Healing. Miracles of Jesus Christ seem to have been performed largely on Compassion grounds: Healing the sick, Healing the mentally and physically handicapped people. He eventually performed other types of miracles also ie., Raising the dead to life, Destruction of the Demons and the Exorcism of the possessed.
Touch point of Jesus is a Miraculous Healing Method practiced by simple touch over certain points in our body to heal all Emotional setbacks and Physical Ailments. These points relate to all the Systems of the Human Body. To further aid in Mental healing, Balancing and Integration of the two hemispheres of the brain are performed. Further the Emotional Body clearance proves very effective to come out of mental conflict.
High Priest Melckizedek was also known to have performed the same type of Healing.